Coaching: Pilates and Oxygen Advantage Breathing Training

Mojca is regularly teaching Pilates in the Studio Pilates and Motion Basel.
Pilates mat classes for musicians in small groups will resume from september 2023.
Please contact me if interested in joining, or for private sessions.
Most people in our modern society spend hours doing some predominantly sedentary work with little movement, are caught in a tight schedule and stressful job: all that has an impact on the body and accelerates its aging. And yet, everyone prefers to feel as good as possible and as long as possible in one's body. When it comes to performance of any kind - be it a concert, dance/athletic performance or an important meeting, it is even more important to feel at one's best.
Mojca got in touch with Pilates through dance. The benefits of the method encouraged her to obtain a certified trainer licence (OTL Akademie, Pilates mat). Her passion is to bring people in contact with their bodies, and help improving any issues. Pilates method improves strength and flexibility of the whole body, with emphasis on string deep core and flexible spine.
She realized that postural issues and functional movement cannot be addressed a sustainable and consistent way if the breathing patterns remains dysfunctional. Dysfunctional breathing can cause a variety of issues, including postural problems, lower back and neck pain, poor concentration and poor sleep. She obtained a licence as advanced instructor in Oxygen Advantage Breathing training. For the most part, she has been working mainly with musicians, helping them establish functional breathing patterns, bring more balance to the nervous system, improve their performance, manage stress levels and performance anxiety, as well as gain better freedom of movement through recrutement of the diaphragm. For more information on the method itself, please visit https://oxygenadvantage.com/
Mojca is regularly teaching in Basel, from small or medium small groups to individual training sessions. She tailors the practice to needs, goals and level of fitness of the clients. For further information, please contact her through the contact form.
Can be taught in English, German, Italian, French, Slovene language.